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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Peter Jackson's King Kong System : Xbox Date Added : 2005-10-11 10:51:38 Views : 31837 God mode: Enter 8wonder as a code. High contrast filter option: Get a 100% game completion. Cheat mode: Hold L + R and press Down, X, Up, Y, Down(2), Up(2) at the main menu. Release L + R and a "Cheat" option will appear at the main menu. Select the "Cheat" option: Weta Artworks: Kong Part 3: Have at least 100,000 points and a 100% game completion. Sniper rifle: Enter KKsn1per as a code. Note: This code includes the number "1". Weta Artworks: Creatures: Get a 50% game completion. Weta Artworks: Environments Part 2: Get a 25% game completion and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at http://www.kingkonggame.com/. Weta Artworks: Environments Part 1: Get a 5% game completion. More effective spears and bones: Spears and bones are more effective when lit on fire. Weta Artworks: Kong Part 4: Have at least 150,000 points and a 100% game completion. Old movie filter option: Get a 15% game completion. Horizontal flip option: Get a 100% game completion and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at http://www.kingkonggame.com/. Unlimited spears: Enter lance 1nf as a code. Note: This code includes the number "1" in the second word. Save Kong alternate ending sequence: Have at least 250,000 points and a 100% game completion. Machine gun: Enter KKcapone as a code. Bonuses completed: Enter KKmuseum as a code. Artwork gallery: Successfully complete the game. Shotgun: Enter KKsh0tgun as a code. Note: This code includes the number "0". Revolver: Enter KKtigun as a code. Level select: Enter KKst0ry as a code. Note: This code includes the number "0". Philippa Boyens interview: Have at least 200,000 points, a 100% game completion, and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at http://www.kingkonggame.com/. Weta Artworks: Kong Part 2: Have at least 20,000 points and a 100% game completion. One-hit kills: Enter GrosBras as a code. 999 ammunition: Enter KK 999 mun as a code. Weta Artworks: Kong Part 1: Get a 75% game completion. Peter Jackson Interview: Have at least 75,000 points and a 100% game completion. Weta Artworks: Environments Part 3: Have at least 50,000 points and a 100% game completion. More effective spears and bones: Spears and bones are more effective when lit on fire. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Peter Jackson's King Kong cheat codes.
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